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Landrover Conversion - Beech and Birch Landrover Conversion - Beech and Birch

Landrover Conversion - Beech and Birch

Landrover 8 tap beer wall conversion

Another converion of a landrover into a beautiful tap wall, this time with 8 taps. This one was for Beech and Birch.

Their converted vehicles look great especially the horse boxes. Take a look at their website


Mobile bar installation Landrover

Converting a Land Rover into a mobile tap wall is a unique and creative way to serve beer and other beverages at outdoor events, festivals, and parties. This type of conversion typically involves customizing the interior of the Land Rover to include a range of features such as taps, kegs, and a refrigeration system.

Contact us for details on draught beer installations for you vehicles

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